“We chose Universal Portraits because they made all the calls....members of our congregation
mentioned how friendly and efficiently they worked. I would get updates and feedback on how it
was going. The previous chair from 6 years ago commented on how fortunate we were to have
this calling service. They said last time there was so much work required from the church!”
- Myrna Inglis -
St. Paul’s United, Walkerton, Ontario
“The Wilmot Church Directory is being received by our members with rave reviews... "so bright"; "so professional"; "picture perfect"; to name just a few!”
-Maggie Clarke-
Chair, Stewardship and Finance
Wilmot United Church, NB
Universal Portrait Studios
Universal Portrait Studios is a professional photography company that specializes in Pictoral Church Directories. We are a Canadian Company that has been in business for over 40 years. Each of our Photographers has over 30 years of experience in Professional Photography.
We PROVIDE, CALL and CREATE your photo directory. We provide all promotional materials. We take pride in our friendliness, enthusiasm and excellent customer service.
Universal Portrait Studios brings families together for
professional portraits while delivering high quality
Pictorial Church Directories.
Free full colour pictorial directories, eDirectory, retouching on portraits, easy photo scheduling, DVD of all Digital Images for church use and
full colour pages for the fund raising program.
Great way to put names to faces and faces to names, commemorate an Anniversary or Special Event, great Tool for welcoming new members, use the eDirectory for outreach and easy fundraising program.
We will provide your church with bullentin inserts for you to distribute to your parishoners. We will send you displays announcing the upcoming shoot.
Our photographers will be at your church photographing the families. Our proof consultants will assist each family to make a portrait election for the directory and help the parishoners to find an affordable portrait package.